[CFT] editors/emacs to 24.1

Ashish SHUKLA ashish at FreeBSD.org
Mon Jul 23 11:39:45 UTC 2012

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 13:32:34 +0200, Jan Henrik Sylvester <me at janh.de> said:
> On 07/23/2012 10:04, Ashish SHUKLA wrote:
>> Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I really appreciate your taking time to write this.

> As you already know, it works! Thanks!

> Specifically, I added 24.1 to bsd.emacs.mk, made it the default, and
> removed all ports depending on emacs-23.4.

> I installed print/auctex and java/jde (from the attic) depending on
> devel/cedet and devel/elib, created packages, installed them on a
> different machine, and ran Emacs. Everything ports related seems to
> work.

> I do not know, if you (asking for any feedback) really want anecdotal
> feedback about functionality, but here it is anyhow:

> Arabic, which is finally displayed from right-to-left, works in
> windowed mode, but for me, it does not work correctly with "-nw":
> While it is displayed correctly in a LANG=en_US.UTF-8 Konsole (KDE
> terminal), the order of the letters is changed just by moving the
> cursor through Arabic text. I do not think this is a problem with the
> port, but either with my setup or with emacs-24.1 in general.

Did you try other terminal, like mrxvt ? I think it's problem with terminal,
and not Emacs, but I might be wrong.

> auctex works including the Emacs server for forward and inverse search
> with a PDF viewer. Unfortunately as a regression to auctex on
> emacs-23.4, all buttons have labels and are really wide -- including
> the "Separator". Hence, important buttons only show up in wide Emacs
> windows. Anyhow, this is probably not a problem with the port, but a
> problem with auctex, which has not made a release for over two years.

> For my use, I would be happy, if emacs-24.1 was the default in ports, soon.

Sure, it will be. I'd some personal issues over past weeks which are not
rectified so less slacking, more hacking.

Thanks again for your feedback.

Ashish SHUKLA      | GPG: F682 CDCC 39DC 0FEA E116  20B6 C746 CFA9 E74F A4B0
Sent from my Emacs
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