libreoffice build solution...

Sergio de Almeida Lenzi lenzi.sergio at
Thu Jul 5 07:21:48 UTC 2012

Em Qui, 2012-07-05 às 01:07 -0400, Robert Huff escreveu:

>         Attempting to build 3.5.4 on
> FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0: Sun Mar 11 08:20:02 EDT 2012 amd64 
>         has clang-3.1 as a dependency - it even overrides
> "USE_GCC=4.6"
> Is there any way to make to not require this?
>                                 Robert Huff

As I told in the previous email to the list, 

you must install clang 3.0 using an "old"  port,
than edit the Makefile (in the libreoffice port...)
to point to the 3.0 clang..

This way, libreoffice builds...


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