Upgrading Base System openssl

Dewayne Geraghty dewayne.geraghty at heuristicsystems.com.au
Wed Jul 4 07:52:01 UTC 2012

The easiest (obvious?) way I could find, is to 
cd /usr/ports/security/openssl && make PREFIX=/usr 

Note that this will also place, and look for openssl.cnf in /usr/openssl.

This will bump your version of /lib/libcryto.so and others so be prepared
to rebuild quite a few things, including openssh, sendmail, cyrus-sasl,
expat, perl, php5, apache ...etc.  I used to build the base system
WITHOUT_CRYPT= but geli, which I use, requires some headers from openssl to

Regards, Dewayne.

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