phpmyadmin port files errors

Jason Helfman jhelfman at
Tue Apr 3 19:18:09 UTC 2012

On Tue, Apr 03, 2012 at 03:14:39PM -0400, Fbsd8 thus spake:
>Just downloaded phpmyadmin for 9.0 system.
>The port files seem to be named wrong.
>Makefile,v  distinfo,v  pkg-descr,v   pkg-plist-chunk,v
>make install command issues error message "Don't know how to make install."
>I see on the web ports system that this port was just updated 5 days
>ago. Looks like a error was made. These files should not have the
>,v suffix. Removing the ,v file name suffix and issuing make install
>generated a bunch of other error messages.
>Dead in the water until this gets fixed.
>If this is indeed an error with the port then I will submit a bug report.

This looks incorrect. I just brought down a fresh copy of this port, and
don't see files named this way. How are you getting the port, and how are
you installing it?

These files look like they are directly out of CVS.


Jason Helfman
System Administrator
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