UPDATING 20110730

Andriy Gapon avg at FreeBSD.org
Sat Jul 30 19:38:41 UTC 2011

> 20110730:
>   AFFECTS: users of x11-toolkits/gtk20
>   AUTHOR: gnome at FreeBSD.org
>   The gtk-update-icon-cache utility has been slipt out of the gtk20 port.

A minor typo in the above line - slipt -> split.

>   Use the following instructions to update your system.
>   # pkg_delete -f gtk-2.\*
>   # portmaster x11-toolkits/gtk20

I would like to warn other users and at the same time ask for alternative

I have a regular (consumer) HDD and not so huge amount of RAM.
I also have many (maybe very many) ports depending on gtk20 and some other
loosely related ports like glib and gobject-introspection.
Execution of the above command already takes more than an hour which is spent
inside portmaster.  I have hundreds of lines like the following in portmaster

        ===>>> x11-toolkits/gtk20 is listed as a dependency
        ===>>> but there is no installed version

        ===>>> Try portmaster --check-depends

        ===>>> devel/gobject-introspection is listed as a dependency
        ===>>> but there is no installed version

        ===>>> Try portmaster --check-depends

        ===>>> devel/gobject-introspection is listed as a dependency
        ===>>> but there is no installed version

        ===>>> Try portmaster --check-depends

This carpet of output starts with:
===>>> Updating dependency entry for gio-fam-backend-2.28.8 in each dependent port

>   # portmaster -a

Andriy Gapon

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