Call for testers -- CONF_FILES variable

Julien Laffaye jlaffaye at
Sun Jul 3 16:13:23 UTC 2011

On 07/03/2011 16:30, Eitan Adler wrote:
> (I hope this isn't bikeshedding)
> I would much prefer this method over choosing an unusual suffix. There
> is much documentation on the internet that assumes certain things
> about packaging. Many times INSTALL files will tell the user to
> looking for a .sample file or .conf file. It would be odd and annoying
> to have the sample configuration file on certain versions of FreeBSD
> be different than everyone else. Also, as others have stated, pkgconf
> sounds like something FreeBSD specific - not a application specific
> suffix.
> As a general note: why does pkgng care about the file suffix at all?
> The pkg program should just be "dumb" about it and follow whatever the
> pkg-plist says to do.

The .pkgconf suffix tells pkgng that this file is a sample. But it could
also be done via an attribute.

Doing stuff with @exec or scripts should be for special cases, not for
common cases such as config files.

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