Dropping maintainership of my ports

John Marino freebsdml at marino.st
Wed Apr 27 06:27:27 UTC 2011

On 4/27/2011 8:09 AM, Charlie Kester wrote:
> I've been told that we shouldn't be looking for reasons to save any
> unmaintained port, and I was specifically told this in response to my
> efforts to identify ports that have a lot of users.  So I don't think
> current policy supports the conclusion that "we need to find someone to
> take them soon."
> There, in a nutshell, you have the philosophical disagreement which led
> to my decision to be done with ports.

I skimmed the entire conversation this morning.  The summary is you have 
an opinion that apparently nobody else shares.

I maintain 7 ports.  The majority of these ports had already been 
deleted years ago, or should have already been deprecated.  So after 
years, somebody (me) showed up with enough motivation to resurrect the 
ports.  That's all people are saying: If the port is important enough, 
somebody will step up to save it or resurrect it.  If that doesn't 
happen, then it doesn't deserve to be in the tree once it doesn't build 

> If the powers-that-be want to deprecate all of these and lighten the
> load on the system and themselves, I no longer care.  I know how to
> download a tarball and run through the configure/make/install routine,
> so I'll still be able to run the software I need.  I thought I'd lend a
> hand to those who don't have those skills, but it doesn't seem that this
> contribution is welcomed or appreciated.  "There are too many ports!"
> (Sorry if I'm ranting, I am still very angry about all this.)

Obviously the maintenance of ports is appreciated and welcomed.  You're 
just sulking because your idea of identifying popular ports wasn't met 
with enthusiasm.  If the port really is popular, somebody will take it 
over, I'm sure.

I don't know you, or your history of contributions, etc, so all I can 
judge is what I read today.  I don't think this reaction shows a lot of 

Anyway, I'm sure your wish of returning all the ports to nobody will be 
granted and life will go on.  As a FreeBSD user, thanks for effort that 
you did in the past.


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