FreeBSD Port: vim-lite-7.3.121

Wesley Shields wxs at
Thu Apr 7 12:56:27 UTC 2011

On Wed, Apr 06, 2011 at 10:33:53AM -0700, David O'Brien wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 11:13:45PM -0400, Niek Dekker wrote:
> > Using the "syntax on" command in .vimrc. When opening a php file in Vim,
> > a lot of errors are being displayed. The errors are caused by line
> > continuation characters in /usr/local/share/vim/vim73/syntax/php.vim.
> Hi I really don't know anything about PHP.  Can you point out the line
> number (and line content) of an example of this in
> /usr/local/share/vim/vim73/syntax/php.vim?
> I found /usr/local/share/doc/antiword/antiword.php on my system and am
> assuming it is an OK example of a PHP file.  Syntax colouring works OK
> with Vim 7.3.121 (non-lite).  Have you tried the non-lite build?
> > Somehow, in FreeBSD Vim does not seem to recognize the line continuation
> > character and complains about it, resulting in errors when opening a
> > syntax file containing these characters.
> > 
> > What is the solution to this, if you know any?
> So that I know what to look at, can you also send the error messages you
> are seeing (and any required file(s) to reproduce the issue?

I get a similar problem when editing python files. To trigger it all I
have to do is have "syntax on" in my .vimrc, then edit a file with the
.py extension (it can be a totally new file). The first few errors, and
there are more, are:

Error detected while processing
line   86:
E475: Invalid argument: pythonFunction
line   87:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line   93:
E475: Invalid argument: pythonString
line   94:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line   95:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line   96:

-- WXS

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