libxul dumps core with 'illegal hardware instruction' with newly ported 'pytrainer'

Andrew W. Nosenko andrew.w.nosenko at
Tue Apr 5 12:09:41 UTC 2011

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 10:06, Stefan Walter <stefan at> wrote:
> (I didn't get any replies on freebsd-gecko@, so I thought I'd just send it
> on freebsd-ports@, too.)
> Hi,
> I'm working on a port for pytrainer (see [1]), which uses libxul to
> display GPS tracks via Google Maps or OSM. Starting the software, it
> crashes with "illegal hardware instruction" and leaves a core dump behind.

Something compiled for CPU model higher than CPU, which actually run
the resulting binary?

For example, if I compile with -march=native on the Core2 machine and
then try to run resulting binary on Pentium4, then I will obtain
"Illegal Instruction" with very high probability.

Andrew W. Nosenko <andrew.w.nosenko at>

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