Using Perl 5.8.8

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Fri Jan 22 16:26:01 UTC 2010

rihad wrote:

> # portdowngrade -s:pserver:anoncvs at 
> lang/perl5.8
> portdowngrade 0.6 by Heiner Eichmann
> Please note, that nothing is changed in the ports tree
> unless it is explicitly permitted in step 6!
> Seeking port lang/perl5.8 ... not found
> #

Hmmm --- try it like this.  I've no idea why trying to downgrade the port
using the name lang/perl5.8 or even lang/perl5 doesn't work.  Seems fine
if you say lang/perl though.

# portdowngrade -s anoncvs at lang/perl

portdowngrade 0.6 by Heiner Eichmann
Please note, that nothing is changed in the ports tree
unless it is explicitly permitted in step 6!

Seeking port lang/perl ... 

Found several matches:
1: lang/perl5.10
2: lang/perl5.8

Please choose one: 2

Downgrading port: lang/perl5.8

Step 1: Checking out port from CVS repository
CVS root directory: anoncvs at
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
DSA key fingerprint is 53:1f:15:a3:72:5c:43:f6:44:0e:6a:e9:bb:f8:01:62.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (DSA) to the list of known hosts.

Step 2: Reading the port history from the CVS repository

Step 3: Analyzing the port history from the CVS repository

Step 4: Load port version numbers and present results
Keys: <space> : next page                      d : details
            p : previous page
      <enter> : leave presentation and downdgrade if wanted
number         date         portversion  comment
    1  2009/11/05 18:50:45  ${PERL_VERSION}_3  Fix script "use.perl": correctly
    2  2009/11/02 16:50:41  ${PERL_VERSION}_3  - Fix behaviour of USE_PERL opti
    3  2009/08/07 11:03:10  ${PERL_VERSION}_3  - Really is MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE
    4  2009/06/08 14:35:28  ${PERL_VERSION}_3  - Add more essential bugfixes
cvs [checkout aborted]: received interrupt signal



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP:     Ramsgate
                                                  Kent, CT11 9PW

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