CPAN Packages not registered

Helmut Schneider jumper99 at
Thu Jan 21 11:12:08 UTC 2010


I upgraded perl 5.8.9 to 5.10.1. I have a single CPAN Module which is
not part of the ports. With 5.8.9 the package was registered as


With 5.10 the package is not registered anymore. The build process

cpan SNMP::Extension::Persist


FreeBSD: Registering installation in the package database
  ./Build install  -- OK

but actually nothing happens:

# pkg_info | grep -ir bsdpan
# pkg_info | grep -ir PassPersist
# pkgdb -Fu
--->  Updating the pkgdb
[Updating the pkgdb <format:bdb_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 173
packages found (-1 +0) (...)(? bsdpan-SNMP-Extension-PassPersist-0.03)
--->  Checking the package registry database
# grep -ir PassPersist /var/db/pkg
Binary file /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db matches

What happend?

Thanks, Helmut

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