Distributing web-app via ports?

FW forkandwait at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 21:20:28 UTC 2010

Hi all,

(Sorry if this is a stupid question -- I did try to google it but to
no avail...)

I am writing a web app in python that depend on postgresql and
cherrypy and a bunch of scientific libraries, and would like to find
an easy way to distribute it.  Part of what would need to get set up
automatically during the make phase is a database along with some
initial table data; this could be interactive as appropriate.

Currently it is running on our servers but there are some people out
there who would like to have it locally.

As a recent BSD convert, I have started to wonder if a ports set up
would be good.  It would make it easy if you are on BSD, and give
someone a place to start if they are on something else.  (And if we
get a bunch of contracting dollars to set it up for a country I could
include hardware and installation time as part of the fee.)

It is a niche application (mortality forecasting), so I am not sure if
it would be appropriate for the standard BSD tree, but I would happily
include it.  I could also put the ports file (or whatever it is
called) on my website and have folks grab it there. I could use apt or
some such, but I don't like/ develop on Linux anymore, and there might
be some converter thingy.

The application itself is a form based thing, currently under
mod_python, but it would be great to use the cherrypy http server and
have it listen at an arbitrary port without apache needing to be run.

If smart BSD porters could just share their thoughts about this
approach, I would appreciate it.


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