Recent massive port update.

jhell jhell at
Sat Feb 6 07:14:06 UTC 2010

On Fri, 5 Feb 2010 23:24, bf1783@ wrote:
> jhell wrote:
>> I could have swore that I recently heard an announcement that barred this
>> type of activity until after 7.3-RELEASE was made....
>> Guess that doesn't stand for everything.
> That freeze won't start until around Feb. 8, as announced.  The jpeg
> changes were announced earlier by the maintainer on this list on Jan.
> 24:

Memory on my part had failed at this point. I recall both the HEADS-UP and 
the announcement but thought that the announcement had stated an earlier 
date. My mix up, Thanks for clearing it up.

>> Was there some type of security concern that caused this bump of jpeg in
>> the first place or was it just a creeping featurism?
> The Independent JPEG group has always announced that they are going to
> incorporate changes and improvements into their software, and that it
> is not fixed in stone.  The pace of change has varied.  Your tone
> suggests that you meant "creeping" in a pejorative sense:  if you
> don't like the changes, you can stick with the old version, or write
> your own software.

No sorry it wasn't meant in that way I had just phrased it wrong and in a 
hurry. I did mean it more inquiring than anything else. I just need to 
slow it down a little before I type it out and hit send.

Should there be an UPDATING entry for those that don't subscribe to ports@ 

Thanks for the replies.



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