Feedback on wanted port: obskurator

Frederic Culot frederic at
Sun Aug 15 08:36:16 UTC 2010


Following the links on the ports tasks wiki page I found 'obskurator' to be a
wanted port ( so I gave it a try
and report about it here.

obskurator is supposed to obfuscate source code by changing variable names. Home
page for the project is:

The port I prepared for obskurator can be found here:

The above port installed obskurator fine for me (8.1-RELEASE on amd64), but I
believe the software itself is unusable and should not be added to the ports
tree in its current state. Indeed, I wrote a simple code to test the resulting
obfuscated program generated by obskurator and it would not compile. 

Here is my test code:

#include <stdio.h>

int my_int1;

main (void)
  char *my_txt1 = "Hello world";

  printf ("first var: %d\n", my_int1);
  printf ("second var: %s\n", my_txt1);

  return 0;

and obskurator transformed it into the following:

#include <stdio.h>

int my_int1;

main (void)
  char *x1 = "Hello world";

  x2 ("first var: %d\n", my_int1);
  x2 ("second var: %s\n", x1);

  return 0;

That is obskurator believed printf(3) was a user-defined variable and replaced
it with 'x2', which makes the resulting program impossible to compile.

As a conclusion I would say that 'obskurator' should be removed from the wanted
port page at as it does not
manage to generate compilable obfuscated code as it claims to do.

Hope this helps,

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