portmaster and IGNOREME

Aristedes Maniatis ari at ish.com.au
Mon Apr 26 00:15:32 UTC 2010

On 26/04/10 8:55 AM, Doug Barton wrote:
> I've just committed a fix for this problem to the svn (development)
> version of portmaster. You can find information on how to download it at
> http://dougbarton.us/portmaster-proposal.html. I would appreciate it if
> you would test that version in your environment to confirm that the fix
> is satisfactory.

Firstly, it looks like it is unable to run with a relative path. Pretty minor issue, but I thought I'd mention it.

# fetch http://svn.freebsd.org/base/user/dougb/portmaster/portmaster
# sh ./portmaster -ai
===>>> Gathering distinfo list for installed ports

===>>> Starting check of installed ports for available updates
===>>> Checking ports for recursive 'make config'

===>>> Update bacula-client-3.0.3 to bacula-client-5.0.0? y/n [y] y
===>>> Launching child to update bacula-client-3.0.3 to bacula-client-5.0.0
./portmaster: ./portmaster: not found

===>>> Update for bacula-client-3.0.3 failed
===>>> Aborting update

But when using an absolute path
   # sh /root/portmaster -ai

it works just nicely. There are still small oddities:

* I get the list of ports to upgrade, then "Proceed y/n", and after that it sees CGatePro and tries to upgrade it. That is, the package is presented after the list of ports is already shown and the user asked to proceed. Shouldn't they be all together? If I say "n" then I never even see the messages about the package with no ORIGIN.

* when using portmaster -ai I'm still given a choice to upgrade the package with no ORIGIN. But why ask since we already know it will fail 100% of the time?

> 99.99999% of
> the time, not having an ORIGIN in the +CONTENTS file is an error that
> requires user attention.

You are the expert in this area, but I don't agree about the 0.000001% usage of packages. Isn't missing ORIGIN going to be the case for every package which isn't installed from ports?

Anyhow, thanks for the fixing the problem so quickly: all the comments above are very minor and are more for feedback than because I expect you to do anything.



Aristedes Maniatis
Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
phone +61 2 9550 5001   fax +61 2 9550 4001
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