lsof won't build

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Sun Sep 20 19:15:34 UTC 2009

Lowell Gilbert writes:

>  It seems to me (fairly short investigation) that it uses kernel
>  structures that aren't in /usr/include.  That means it must be
>  looking in /usr/src/sys.  If those sources don't match the
>  installed kernel exactly, that typically won't be a problem,
>  because kernel interfaces are intended to not change within a
>  major-number release.

	If you say so.  My recent experience started with lsof compiled
under stock 8.0 beta 4, which was was incompatible with some change
that happened around the branch of 9.0 CURRENT.  And there's nothing
in {src, ports}/UPDATING which would suggest the need for a change.

				Robert Huff

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