FreeBSD OpenOffice Packages of i686

Aldis Berjoza killasmurf86 at
Thu Nov 26 08:12:59 UTC 2009


I'm creating OpenOffice 3.1.1 packages for FreeBSD-8-RELEASE, for i686

In few hours my work will be finished. I've found site that would host
these packages [Linux Center of Latvia Univercity], but they want some
FreeBSD developer to verify quality of my builds, before they host them
on their server for public use.

They wanted that some FreeBSD developer, would check packages, and make
checksum file. And then somehow publish it on FreeBSD site or somehow
otherwise. I asked if this checksum file could be send directly to them
as email. Currently I'm waiting reply from Linux Center.

Would any developer sign for this?
You could download some few random packages (or all if you like) with
SCP, and check them, if they work, have any issues etc....

Then I could create temp accound on my FreeBSD box, and let Dev to log
on, and make checksum file (I think it's best if you make it on my PC,
because this way you won't have to download 10-15GB of OOO packages,
which might be very time consuming), then using SCP copy this file over
to your PC (or somehow otherwise, if you have ideas). And send it to
Linux Center (I will give email, later)

After that, I will make README file, and sign all packages with my PGP
public key (and provide info how to retrieve it)

What do you think about this?
Anyone want to do this?

I'm still waiting reply from Linux Center if they will accept this

Thanks in advance,
Aldis Berjoza 
	aka killasmurf86
Aldis Berjoza

	Tev ir vienreizēja iespēja iegūt labu darbinieku IT sfērā,
	ar lielu motivāciju pilnveidoties un apgūt jaunas zināšanas
	nepalaid garām :D

	My public GPG key:
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