Policy on hard coded paths?

Sahil Tandon sahil at tandon.net
Fri May 22 23:34:26 UTC 2009

On Sat, 23 May 2009, David N wrote:

> I'm currently very interested in Zimbra, but unfortunately the
> developers decided on a "Fat Package" approach so everything is
> bundled directly into the source. It also has its path hard coded into
> /opt/zimbra.
> If someone manages to create a patch for it to be compiled and running
> successfully on FreeBSD. Does it have a chance to be included into the
> Ports tree even though its path is hard coded?

It has a chance.  And it would likely be patched to circumvent the
hard-coding, and comply as much as possible with hier(7).

Sahil Tandon <sahil at tandon.net>

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