Bad INDEX-7 file ?

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Mon Jul 13 12:33:38 UTC 2009

Fedor Dikarev wrote:
> By this command I've just explained that this port has version 1.3.8
> but in INDEX-7 vesion differ -- it's 1.3.7.
> So INDEX file is built on old ports tree or there was some bug during
> building process.

It's just an old INDEX-7 file -- as I recall, they are meant to be updated
something like hourly, but on occasion there will be a problem and the INDEX
files available for download may not be updated for an indefinite period, until
the INDEX can be built cleanly again.

Now, there are several things you can do about this:

   * Ignore it.  Having a 100% accurate INDEX file is nice, but not an
     absolute necessity.  Most ports management software will be forgiving
     of the odd irregularity.  Even if it means package 'foo' doesn't get
     updated today when it could have been, it would almost certainly get
     updated tomorrow or next week.  It all works itself out in time.

   * Use ports management software that doesn't rely on the presence of the
     INDEX at all. viz: portmaster(1).  As I said, most ports management
     software is fairly forgiving of irregularities in the INDEX, but this 
     program goes beyond that entirely and compares the database of installed
     ports under /var/db/pkg/ directly with what is in the ports tree.

   * Build your own.  You can just type 'make index' in /usr/ports.  Then go
     away and have a nice cup of tea.  Then have another one.  And some biscuits.
     It might have finished building by now...  Building your own INDEX usually
     works pretty well, but it does take quite a while every time you have to
     do it. It does get you an INDEX that reflects local settings you made in 
     /etc/make.conf or in OPTIONS dialogues, which is nice.  If I might be
     permitted to tootle my own trumpet a bit, there is 
     ports-mgmt/p5-FreeBSD-Portindex that I wrote,  which can cut down the time
     it takes to routinely build your own index by only reprocessing the bits
     of the ports tree that have had updates since the previous time you built an


Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP:     Ramsgate
                                                  Kent, CT11 9PW

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