numerous gcc installations

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at
Sun Jan 11 11:36:10 PST 2009

Robert Huff wrote:
> Hello:
>>  A few days ago, gcc-4.3 became the default fortran compiler for
>>  the ports.  Go ahead and erase the gcc-4.2 compiler - create the
>>  gcc-4.3 compiler, and everything after that will be fine.
> 	1) What is the realtionship between this gcc and the gcc used
> to compile the system?
> 	2) Do you know why this isn't noted in /usr/ports/UPDATING?


2) You make a good point.  Why don't you raise this on ports at freebsd? 
This should be corrected.  In fact, I am going to copy this to 
ports at freebsd.

1) I think that in most cases, the only reason why gcc is brought in is 
because the gcc that is in the base system does not include a fortran 
compiler.  So any port that uses fortran (e.g. lapack, etc) has to 
install a fortran compiler.

Having said all this, why doesn't first check to see if 
gfortran42 was already installed, and then only install gfortran43 if a 
fortran is needed?

But I have the impression that quite a few changes have been made to recently, so some mistakes are understandable.


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