audio/squeezecenter-7.3.1 Extension downloader broken?

Mark Knight markk at
Wed Jan 7 10:05:45 PST 2009

It's great that the squeezecenter port has been upgraded to version 
7.3.1 but I'm now having trouble getting the AlienBBC plugin (or any 
other for that matter), to work.

This is with the new "Extension Downloader" in 7.3.1 supports 
downloading extensions to:


Directories are appearing in this location but when I re-start 
squeezecenter it's as if the Plugins aren't installed.  I'm not seeing 
any errors in the log files.

Before I chase this down, has anyone else got this working or seeing the 
same thing?

Mark A. R. Knight                               finger: markk at
Tel: +44 7880 556751                  

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