trying to fix a sed line

Sean McAfee smcafee at
Wed Dec 16 22:01:26 UTC 2009

Chuck Robey wrote:
> I don't do enough in sed .... if I could figure out what it is that the broken
> line is TRYING to do, I think maybe I could fix it, I HAVE used sed before, and
> I know about the s command, and how it sets it's delimiters.  Anyhow, here's the
> broken line, and I hope my mailer doesn't decide to break the line for me:
> REINPLACE_ARGS= -i.bak -E -e "1s,^(\#!.* )python$$,\1 -S PYTHONPATH=${DATADIR}
> ${PYTHON_CMD},1"
> should be only a single space between ${DATADIR} and ${PYTHON_CMD}, my mailer
> put a line break in there for me ...
> If you care, this came from editors/spe/Makefile.

Missing space between the -i and the extension?

Sean McAfee
Senior Systems Engineer

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