Port version difficulties (maybe one for the Python crowd)

Kevin Golding kevin at caomhin.demon.co.uk
Mon Dec 7 20:49:10 UTC 2009

In article <4B1D617A.6020303 at FreeBSD.org>, Greg Larkin
<glarkin at FreeBSD.org> writes
>This might get you further:
>fbsd70# make -V \

Well that does indeed work in that context, but I have no idea why it
appears to do nothing in the Makefile.  It seems completely unchanged:

pkg_delete: unexec command for '/usr/local/bin/easy_install-2.6 -q -m -S
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages django-signals-ahoy==0.1.0'

I actually had to double check I did indeed update the correct file.  A
bit strange anyway.


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