apr buildconf: python not found.

Jonathan jonathan at kc8onw.net
Sat Aug 8 16:59:17 UTC 2009

On 8/8/2009 12:31 PM, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
> Jonathan wrote:
>> On 8/8/2009 10:43 AM, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
>>> /usr/ports/devel/apr# make
>>> ===> apr-gdbm-db42- depends on file: /usr/local/bin/python2.6
>>> But python IS there, exactly as stated in the first line above.
>>> What gives? I just went through going from python 2.5 to 2.6.
>> Do you have a /usr/local/bin/python? The ports tree found a binary
>> named python2.6 but apr is probably looking for a binary named python.
> Indeed it is. Symlinking python2.6 -> python made it. Then, one could
> ask what is wring, the apr build or the python install?

Probably a glitch in the upgrade process from 2.5 -> 2.6, more 
specifically than that I don't know.  I ran into a similar issue with 
Java.  I installed openJDK6 from a package and it didn't register itself 
with javavmwrapper but when I updated to the latest portrevision it did. 
  The package is missing the postinstall script to register java while 
the port actually does register itself.


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