pkg_add -r firefox didn't work

Jorge Aguilar jaguilar at
Tue Sep 23 20:38:29 UTC 2008

   Good day guys this is an error I got after tring to install firefox
   from ports, I hope to have a solution on this not just for me but for
   others having the same problem.
   FreeBSD NixHeiser 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0: Sun Feb 24
   19:59:52 UTC 2008
   root at  i386
   another thing this root at what does this means :-(
   is something from where i downloaded the image? or someone has root
   access to my system.
   NixHeiser# pkg_add -r firefox
   Fetching [1]   386/packages-7.0-release/Latest/firefox.tbz... Done.
   ===> Building Chrome's registry...
   =======================   3D=   =======================   3D=   SMB issues:
   Network group, machine, and share browsing does not work correctly.
   Only sftp access using public key authentication works.  To easily
   setup public key authentication to "remote_host":
   ssh-keygen -t dsa
   cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh remote_host "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"   The SSH sever on remote_host must allow pub key authentication.
   =======================   3D=   =======================   3D=   Any bug reports should be addressed to the maintainers at:
           gnome at
   You may also Cc: freebsd-ports at Please do not send
   bug reports to any other addresses.
   Please include the following information with any bug report:
   * Output from 'uname -a'.
   * Date/time stamp from www/firefox/Makefile.
   * Where/when did the problem occur: configuring, building, or
           running firefox
   * How can you reproduce the problem?
   Thank you for your help in testing and reporting bugs, and we hope you
   enjoy using Firefox.
   The Maintainers (gnome@)
   =======================   3D=   =======================   3D=   NixHeiser# clear
   NixHeiser# pkg_add -r firefox
   Fetching [2]   86/packages-7.0-release/Latest/firefox.tbz...^CSignal 2 received,
   cleaning up..
   NixHeiser# ssh-keygen -t dsa
   Generating public/private dsa key pair.
   Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_dsa): cat
   ~/.ssh/ | ssh remote_host "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"
   Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
   Enter same passphrase again:
   open cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh remote_host "cat >> .ssh/authorized_   keys" failed: No such file or directory.
   Saving the key failed: cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh remote_host "cat
   >>   NixHeiser#
   Jorge Aguilar


   1. 3D"   2. 3D"

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