Unable to build 'graphics/gegl" port

Rick Voland rpvoland at spamcop.net
Sun Oct 19 22:09:46 UTC 2008

Jerry wrote:
> I recently files a PR regarding the 'graphics/gegl' port.
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=128175
> I was wondering if anyone else had experienced any problem with this
> port? I am unable to update 'gimp' due to the problem.

I had similar trouble on my antique (classic!) computer, since it could
compile for sse, but couldn't process the sse instructions that would
then be required for the examples.

I succeeded at building and installing graphics/gegl on this
computer as follows:

sudo /usr/local/sbin/portinstall -m'CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-sse'

Then, I updated successfully to gimp-2.6.1,2 and gimp-app-2.6.1_1,1.
gimp-2.6.1,2 successfully opened two old files and printed them.

It would be nice if graphics/gegl would respect the following option in
/etc/make.conf on my computer
which should avoid building with sse features.


Rick Voland
rpvoland at spamcop.net

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