FreeBSD Port: MailScanner-4.67.6

Paul Pathiakis Paul.Pathiakis at
Thu Mar 27 10:55:39 PDT 2008

Portupgrade -a -r -p took care of everything after my cvsup.

Ports were about 3-4 months out of date.  Once updated and restarted,
everything worked fine.  (portupgrade loaded or upgraded all the
requirements you mention below.)

How can people not love this OS?  

I can't wait to migrate some of the machines in my house to 7.0.

Thanks again to all!

Paul Pathiakis

-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Hendriks [mailto:Johan at] 
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:16 AM
To: Paul Pathiakis
Cc: freebsd-ports at
Subject: RE: FreeBSD Port: MailScanner-4.67.6


>It seems that the latest p5-Mail-Tools in the ports tree causes a
>problem with MailScanner.  This has, apparently, been documented in
>Linux distros as well.  I'm not sure if it's a problem with MailScanner
>or with the perl module.  However, I couldn't get it to run until I
>to the previous version of p5-Mail-Tools 1.77.  Then, it ran just fine.

>I was on FreeBSD 6.2 - p2.

>Thank you,

>Paul Pathiakis

Well with the version 4.64.4 i had that problem, i could not update
p5-Mail-Tools to 2.02
Now with version 4.67.6 it works just fine.
Also make sure you have devel/p5-IO installed, It is needed now by
It was not in the ports for some time but i send a pr and p5-IO is added
to the build of MailScanner now

Johan Hendriks

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