linux f8: futex op 128 not found

Lars Eighner portsuser at
Mon Jun 16 22:02:35 UTC 2008

Evidently I hosed linux compatibility in the attemp to upgrade from fc4 to

I believe I followed the instructions left over from the fc6 upgrade
exactly, and after installing f8, and editing sysctl.conf and make.conf
according to instructions I forced rebuilding all the linux-* ports
with portupgrade -f linux-*.

However when I attempted to run linux firefox I get tons of futex, op 128
missing messages on the system console, firefox eats nearly all the cpu etc.

Now I googled on this problem and discover that futex is not in 7.0 release,
but is in stable.  But I am running stable.  What is more I can see
linux_futex .c and .h in the system source.  Nonetheless, I made /usr/src
clean and rebuilt the kernel.  And then I reinstalled linux f8 again.  Same

I'm not sure if this is a port problem or a system problem, but perhaps some
has some suggestions.

Lars Eighner
8800 N IH35 APT 1191 AUSTIN TX 78753-5266

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