Ports Request: OpenNMS

Paul Schmehl pauls at utdallas.edu
Fri Apr 11 14:45:11 UTC 2008

--On Friday, April 11, 2008 09:34:25 -0400 Paul Pathiakis 
<ppathiakis at tilera.com> wrote:
> This is another request for someone to port OpenNMS to a FreeBSD port.
> www.opennms.org <http://www.opennms.org/>
> This is a work of art that is well worthwhile beyond Tivoli and
> HP-Openview.
> It performs a lot of functions and would be well worth packaging as a
> port.  There's a lot of people using it, but having it as a port would
> be great.
> (No, I don't have time to perform and maintain a port)

And you think we maintainers do?  Get real!

I just spent several intense evenings/nights updating a complex set of ports 
that I maintain.  I gave up a lot of other things that I could have been doing 
to do this.  I'm not complaining.  I volunteered  But seriously, this is a 
community.  Ports should be created and maintained by people who actually use 
them.  Otherwise they don't get thoroughly tested and they're more likely to 
get dropped in the laps of the port team, none of whom are sitting around 
twiddling their thumbs.

In the case of OpenNMS, the build requires jicmp, jrrd and iplike, *none* of 
which are ported (as well as postgresql, apache-tomcat. java jdk and optionally 
rddtool, all of which are already ported.)  So, to even *start* porting 
OpenNSM, you would *first* have to port all three of those apps.  (And I 
haven't even looked to see what dependencies *they* have that might not be in 
the ports tree yet.

This is not uncommon with complex software packages.  In fact, the ports that I 
just submitted updates for *forced* me to port three other apps *first*, just 
so I could port what *I* wanted.  (And yes, I maintain those as well.)

If you're really serious that you want OpenNMS ported, then it's time to make 
your contribution to FreeBSD.  :-)  Solicit help from other FreeBSD users who 
use/want OpenNMS, and work together to distribute the load and get the job 
done.  There's plenty of people on this list who can help you when you run into 

Paul Schmehl (pauls at utdallas.edu)
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

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