mail/websieve -- doesn't get along with apache22

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Sun Sep 23 03:43:05 PDT 2007

Hash: SHA256

Martin Schweizer wrote:
> Hello Matthew
> If I can help you in any way drop me a mail.
> Regards,
> 2007/9/21, Matthew Seaman <m.seaman at>:
> Martin Schweizer wrote:
>>>> Hello Matthew
>>>> Sorry for the delay. I use now websieve since two years. I found some
>>>> pitfalls while the installation. I attache you my comments which I
>>>> send to ports@ in the past. Hope this helpls.
>>>> PS: I also looking to contact the developers for future releases but
>>>> they do not get answers.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> After more the one successfully installation I found some problems in
>>>> the actualy ports (from yesterday):
>>>> - while building websieve make wants download every time the old apache port
>>>> Makefile
>>>> *********
>>>> [snip]
>>>> RUN_DEPENDS=    ${SITE_PERL}/IMAP/${PORTSDIR}/mail/p5-IMAP-Admin \
>>>>                ${SITE_PERL}/IMAP/${PORTSDIR}/mail/p5-IMAP-Sieve
>>>> .endif
>>>> ## RUN_DEPENDS+=        ${LOCALBASE}/www/cgi-bin:${PORTSDIR}/${APACHE_PORT}
>>>> PKGMESSAGE=     ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
>>>> [snip]
>>>> I alway commented out "RUN_DEPENDS..."

This was already dealt with in ports/116493 -- I've taken out any dependency
on a particular HTTP server.  As this is bog standard perl CGI scripting, it
should work with just about every webserver out there.

>>>> - ... also while building make would copy to
>>>> /usr/local/www/cgi-bin but it create a file called cgi-bin in
>>>> /usr/local/www
>>>> -

Also dealt with by making the port install into ${WWWDIR} -- which will
evaluate to /usr/local/www/websieve in most cases.

>>>> [snip]
>>>> #creates global variables $mode, at rules, at mailboxes, at quota and %vacation;
>>>> # get quota
>>>>        @quota=&getquota("INBOX") if ($havequota || !$useprocmail);
>>>>        if ($IMAPERROR = /no errors/i && !$ismanager && $IMAPERROR) {
>>>>                $error=$IMAPERROR;
>>>>                &closeimap;
>>>>                &closesieve;
>>>>                &incorrect_login;
>>>>                exit;
>>>>        }
>>>> [snip]
>>>> In the port there is  here ("if ($IMAPERROR =~ /no..." ) a tile sign
>>>> but for successfully login you have to remove this.
>>>> See also

Hmmm... yes.  My German isn't as good as it should be, and Google
auto-translation produces quite odd results if you tell it to translate
perl code from German into English...  Anyway, the correct fix is to
change that 'if' statement to:

   if ($IMAPERROR !~ /no errors/i && !$ismanager && $IMAPERROR) {

Your fix of using '=' is actually assigning $IMAPERROR with the result of
comparing the default variable ($_) against the regexp /no errors/i -- which
happens to always return False, so the test will never succeed even if 
there is some error condition that needs to be handled.

I've updated the PR.

>>>> - error "base64 decoding..." in /var/log/messages
>>>> Sep  7 15:47:22 acsvfbsd04 imap[547]: login: mail3 []
>>>> martin plaintext User logged in
>>>> Sep  7 15:47:22 acsvfbsd04 sieve[548]: badlogin: mail3[]
>>>> PLAIN error base64 decoding string
>>>> Sep  7 15:47:34 acsvfbsd04 imap[547]: login: mail3 [] root
>>>> plaintext User logged in
>>>> Sep  7 15:47:34 acsvfbsd04 sieve[551]: badlogin: mail3[]
>>>> PLAIN error base64 decoding string
>>>> Here you have to edit in /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/IMAP
>>>> the file
>>>> Old:
>>>> $encode=encode_base64($userpass);
>>>> New:
>>>> $encode=encode_base64($userpass, '');
>>>> See also

This seems to have already been fixed in the IMAP::Sieve module I have
installed from ports.

>>>> - If you change the location from /var/imap  to another location (f.e.
>>>> to /usr/imap
>>>>  because you need more disk space), you'll get the following message
>>>> in /var/log/messages:
>>>> Sep  7 16:05:25 acsvfbsd04 imap[656]: login: acsvfbsd04 []
>>>> martin plaintext User logged in
>>>> Sep  7 16:05:25 acsvfbsd04 sieve[682]: IOERROR: creating directory
>>>> /var/imap: Permission denied
>>>> Sep  7 16:05:25 acsvfbsd04 sieve[682]: mkdir /var/imap: Permission denied
>>>> Sep  7 16:05:25 acsvfbsd04 sieve[682]: error in actions_setuser()
>>>> Websieve wants to creat some file in /var/imap everytime you log in. I
>>>> create an symlink like this:
>>>> lrwxr-xr-x   1 cyrus   cyrus       18  7 Sep 16:23 imap -> /usr/imap/var/imap
>>>> Afterwoods I works like a charme.

Ah -- this isn't websieve.  It's timsieved -- the bit of Cyrus IMAPd
that websieve connects to.  It will create a hashed directory tree under
/var/imap/sieve/ to hold the source and the byte-compiled versions
of user sieve scripts -- but it needs that top level directory to be
created initially:

    mkdir -p /var/imap/sieve
    chown -R cyrus:cyrus /var/imap/sieve

For some reason, doing that is unaccountably missing from the action
of the /usr/local/cyrus/bin/mkimap script.

There are still some more bugs to work out, but with these patches
the port is now installing something basically functional.
Unfortunately ENOTIME for me to do much else with this.



- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP:     Ramsgate
                                                  Kent, CT11 9PW
Version: GnuPG v2.0.4 (FreeBSD)
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