FreeBSD Port: qpopper-4.0.9_1

Walter Ian Kaye freebsd-org at
Tue Oct 16 05:15:36 PDT 2007


I tried to [mostly] follow instructions at 
but I don't know if ./configure overrides the port's "Options" screen 
or vice versa, so I don't know if I turned things on or off.

I did

CONFIGURE_ENV=  LIBS="-lcrypt -lmd -lutil -L${LOCALBASE}/lib" \
                 OS_DEFS="-DSETPROCTITLE ${OS_DEFS}"
                 --without-gdbm \
                 --enable-keep-temp-drop \
                 --disable-update-abort \
                 --enable-bulletins=/var/spool/bulls \
                 --enable-log-login \
                 --enable-new-bulls=3 \
                 --enable-shy \
                 --enable-timing \
                 --enable-log-facility=LOG_MAIL \
                 --with-openssl=/usr/bin/openssl \

and then the Options screen

  |                   Options for qpopper 4.0.9_1                      |
  | .----------------------------------------------------------------. |
  | | [ ] APOP_ONLY        build with APOP authentication only       | |
  | | [X] APOP             build with APOP                           | |
  | | [ ] DOCUMENTATION    install pdf documentation                 | |
  | | [ ] DRAC             build with Dynamic Relay Authorization    | |
  | | [ ] FULL_POPD_DEBUG  build with more verbose debugging         | |
  | | [X] PAM              build with PAM authentication             | |
  | | [ ] POPPASSD         build the poppassd daemon                 | |
  | | [X] QPOPAUTH_SETUID  install qpopauth setuid to pop user       | |
  | | [ ] SAMPLE_POPUSERS  build a default reject file               | |
  | | [X] SHY_ENABLED      hide qpopper version in POP3 banner       | |
  | | [X] SSL              build with SSL/TLS support                | |
  | | [ ] STANDALONE_MODE  build qpopper to be run without inetd     | |
  | | [X] U_OPTION         include support for user .qpopper-options | |
  | |                                                                | |
  | |                                                                | |
  |                       [  OK  ]       Cancel                        |

I am trying to set it up so that port 110 requires APOP/AUTH (that 
works) and port 995 allows USER (clear-text-password) via SSL (fails; 
asks for APOP/AUTH, despite 'set' command in config file).

I am running FreeBSD 6.2.

I am trying to get help from Qualcomm, but I need to understand what 
is going on with the port vs ./configure in order to intelligently 
communicate with them.:)

Can someone help?


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