Apache 2.2 + mod_auth_pam + PAM

Jonathan Weiss jw at innerewut.de
Thu May 3 00:13:21 PDT 2007


I'm struggeling with setting up Apache 2.2 and mod_auth_pam to 
authenticate an BasicAuth directory against my local unix users.

Apache is using PAM in so far as when I have his /etc/pam.d/httpd config:

auth       required     pam_permit.so debug
account    required     pam_permit.so debug

It works fine, so the user gets an Auth login window and the login works 
(because of pam_permit.so).

With the real thing (pam_unix.so instead of pam_permit.so) I get:

PAM: user 'jweiss' - not authenticated: authentication error

The www user has read rights to /etc/master.passwd and /etc/spwd.db

# ll /etc/spwd.db
40 -rw-r-----  1 root  www    40K May  2 20:40 /etc/spwd.db

# ll /etc/master.passwd
4 -rw-r-----  1 root  www   2.1K May  2 20:40 /etc/master.passwd

Is this not enough for PAM to check a login/password?

Also it seems that the 'debug' statement in /etc/pam.d/httpd is ignored 
as I do not get more output in /var/log/messages with it present.

Does anybody have a hint?


Jonathan Weiss

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