FreeBSD Port: hk_classes-0.8.1

Eric Kingston ericnk at
Mon Mar 19 20:55:40 UTC 2007



After upgrading to knoda and hk_classes 0.8.1 on FreeBSD 6.2 and KDE 3.5.5,
I'm having some problems.  The iconv library installed doesn't support
'WCHAR_T' which is causing problems when any report is rendered in knoda.
The installed iconv library version is 1.9.2.  This library is directly
referenced in the port requirements of hk_classes and knoda, yet it doesn't
support the 'WCHAR_T'  character set and I can't believe no one else hasn't
had any issues like this.  I'm at a dead end so far and I need to get knoda
working properly.  Is there anything  (please, I'm begging)  that anyone can
suggest that I try.  I'm at my wits end.



Nearly desperate,




ericnk at



P.S.  You wouldn't want me to be forced to switch to Microsoft Access would
you?   That may be my only recourse.  Another round lost for the open source
community.  :-)



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