Mozilla -is this port ever going to be fixed?

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Thu Mar 15 13:21:09 UTC 2007

Michael Johnson writes:

>  > Can anyone tell me if the vulnerabities for mozilla-1.7.13_1.2 are due to
>  > be fixed in the near future?
>  Maybe, I kinda doubt it though since mozilla turned in to
>  seamonkey.

	As far as I can tell, www/mozilla is not intended for use by
humans.  Replace with SeaMonkey, or FireFox+Thunderbird.
	_However_: at least one major port - OpenOffice - depends on
mozilla headers, at least in the usual fully-built-out
configuration.  Specificially, on mozilla-1.7.13* headers.  And it's
been stuck in this state for at least a year.  (If this is wrong,
and someone can point to documentation, please do - I would _love_ to
dispose of mozilla.)

					Robert Huff

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