[NEW PORT] ports-mgmt/pkg - smart tool for managing FreeBSD ports

Andy Kosela andy.kosela at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 19:54:20 UTC 2007

Hi Andrew and all
After meditating upon the concept and code of the original pkg i
decided finally to rewrite the whole script. The main idea remained
the same - to provide one universal tool for FreeBSD package/ports
management and to not depend on any third-party database/application.
In the spirit of the original UNIX/BSD movement the script should be
as simple as possible (the maximum usefulness, the minimum amount of
code). Moved by suggestion of Andrew Pantyukhin i renamed it to bpkg
to avoid confusion with other *BSD projects.

Here are a few examples of the actual application:
plato:~> bpkg -m iftop
(displays port's Makefile using less)

plato:~> bpkg -i iftop
net-mgmt/iftop: iftop-0.17
*** installed ***

Port:   iftop-0.17
Path:   /usr/ports/net-mgmt/iftop
Info:   Display bandwidth usage on an interface by host
Maint:  vd at FreeBSD.org
WWW:    http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pdw/iftop/

plato:~> bpkg -p iftop
        Display bandwidth usage on an interface by host

plato:/home/spear# bpkg iftop
net-mgmt/iftop: iftop-0.17

*** installed ***
Do you want to upgrade iftop using binary packages? [y]

These are just a few examples of various flags, there are many more
besides those mentioned. Basically it is possible to manage the whole
FreeBSD Ports Collection infrastructure using just this one
application (including building ports from the source, fetching binary
packages, deleting packages and so on).

The whole thing is licensed under the BSD license, of course.

send-pr entry:

Hopefully it will make its way into the Ports Collection soon, right
now I'm using it on all our production servers (high-end HP and Dell
servers) and it works great! really simplifies ports management and
displaying of useful information about packages/ports. I know you can
type a very long grep|cut|sed|awk command but it's much simpler with

Send any bug reports, suggestions and improvement ideas directly to me:
andy (dot) kosela (at) gmail.com

I also plan to set up some web site for this application soon.

best regards,
Andy Kosela
Pythagoras Foundation

"What is that which always is and has no becoming; and what is that
which is always becoming and never is?" -- Plato

On 5/12/07, Andrew Pantyukhin <infofarmer at freebsd.org> wrote:

> First of all, can you consider renaming it to something
> less ambitious? A tool named pkg is already present in
> some other systems (e.g. pkgjam in NetBSD). It would be
> a pity to see your tool, however marvelous it is,
> squatter the name just because it was the earliest one.
> That said, your tool is very welcome.
> P.S. You wanted to post your message to ports@, not
> hackers at . Cc fixed.

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