ion-3 20070720: undefined reference to lua

Filip Lenaerts filip at
Mon Jul 23 15:05:32 UTC 2007

hi everyone,

recently i upgraded from the very stable 5.x to 6.2-stable.  i portupgraded/recompiled all of my favourites and they all work ... except for the new ion-3: in the make step, i always get undefined references:

cc  ion-statusd.o exec.o extlrx.o exports.o  -L/usr/local/lib -lintl -L../../libmainloop -lmainloop -L../../libextl -lextl -L../../libtu -ltu -L/usr/local/lib/lua51 -llua  -lm -o ion-statusd
../../libextl/libextl.a(luaextl.o)(.text+0xf): In function `lua_rawset_check':
: undefined reference to `luaL_checktype'
../../libextl/libextl.a(luaextl.o)(.text+0x119): In function `extl_cpcall':
: undefined reference to `lua_tolstring'
../../libextl/libextl.a(luaextl.o)(.text+0x3a1): In function `extl_dopath':
: undefined reference to `luaL_checklstring'

full script output of 'make install': (43K)

i reinstalled lua5 to make sure i have recent libs in /usr/local/lib.

has anyone an idea what is going wrong here?



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