Thoughts: Potential new port(s)

Tom McLaughlin tmclaugh at
Sun Jan 14 00:04:19 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-01-13 at 12:21 +0000, Joe Holden wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm creating a port for OpenPBX, however it requires a recent SpanDSP, 
> so I have created spandsp-current to keep inline with development, as 
> Asterisk for one, relies on the patched version of spandsp that is in 
> the ports tree.
> The port has been tested and checks out fine with portlint etc.
> Feedback much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Joe

If Asterisk can only work with a specific version of spandsp then maybe
there needs to be an asterisk specific port of comms/spandsp so other
spandsp consumer ports, such as openpbx, can use the latest version via
comms/spandsp.  Also, the patches in the current version of the spandsp
just appear to be build fixes.

Take it up with the asterisk maintainer.


| tmclaugh at             tmclaugh at |
| FreeBSD                          |
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