Limitations of Ports System

John Birrell jb at
Thu Dec 13 13:22:21 PST 2007

On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 03:00:54PM -0500, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
> That is why I plan to use xorg as the test case for the new system....
> namely if it builds xorg in the most efficent way possible then it
> will be considered good enough for release

You need to pick a much more complicated set of dependencies than

You should analyse the dependency tree across all ports and then
take into account what happens when source changes occur

Take things like those that depend on the various Qt ports. You will
see that some depend on Qt3 and others on Qt4.

Then consider things that depend on the documentation ports.

Please do not fall into the trap of simplifying the requirements
and then finding a simpler solution.

John Birrell

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