New Port and X11 Path

Garrett Cooper youshi10 at
Thu Aug 16 22:16:44 PDT 2007

Matthew Grooms wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new to working with the ports system and have created a port that 
> depends on cmake, bison v2.3, QT 3.3.x and X11. I had previously 
> installed cmake and QT using packages. Since the bison 2.3 port 
> appeared to be rather recent, I csup'd my ports tree before attempting 
> to test my port build and install. After the upgrade, cmake was no 
> longer able to locate the QT libraries. I removed the QT libraries and 
> attempted to install them from ports which yielded an error related to 
> /usr/X11R6 not being a symlink ( or something like that ). I ran 
> another test after installing 6.2 and immediately updating the ports 
> tree. I was able to build and install all dependencies and my port.
> Does this have to do with the /usr/X11R6 path being depreciated? If 
> so, is there any special settings I could add to the port that allows 
> it to still find dependencies in the old /usr/X11R6 prefix? Could be 
> nice for users that have installed 6.2 packages before updating their 
> ports tree. Maybe this kind of setup is just unsupported?
> Thanks in advance,
> -Matthew

    Please read /usr/ports/UPDATING. There should be a reference to the 
X11 upgrade that you need to note.

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