Unable to get pine-pgp-filters and pinentry-curses to work together

Rakhesh Sasidharan rakhesh at rakhesh.com
Tue Aug 14 11:02:45 PDT 2007

Hi there!

I installed mail/pine and security/gnupg from ports. While trying to use 
gnupg, whenever it needed to ask me for the passphrase, I ran into errors 
such as the below:

gpg-agent[86284]: can't connect server: `ERR 67109133 can't exec 
`/usr/local/bin/pinentry': No such file or directory'
gpg-agent[86284]: can't connect to the PIN entry module: IPC connect call 
gpg-agent[86284]: command get_passphrase failed: No pinentry
gpg: problem with the agent: No pinentry
gpg: no default secret key: General error
gpg: configure: clearsign failed: General error

No problems. I installed security/pinentry-curses from ports. I don't have 
X so the -curses option was the only one I could go with. Once pinentry 
was installed, things worked fine.

--8<-- Two questions here:

1) Why isn't security/pinentry pulled in as a dependency of 
security/gnupg? Shouldn't that have been the "obvious" thing to do? Or is 
it possible to bypass pinentry somehow?

2) If I do a "make install" in security/pinentry, it straight away moves 
onto compiling Qt etc (as dependencies for security/pinentry-qt I 
suppose). Shouldn't it rather ask me what I want and then accordingly 
install one of the pinentry-* ports?


Later, I installed pine-pgp-filters. Now, whenever I send a mail and want 
to sign/ encrypt it and gnupg has to ask me for the passphrase, it messes 
my screen up! I get error messages like these:


pinentry-curses: no LC_CTYPE known - assuming UTF-8
                                          pinentry-curses: no 
LC_CTYPE known - assuming UTF-8
                       pinentry-curses: no LC_CTYPE known - assuming UTF-8

pinentry-curses: no LC_CTYPE known - assuming UTF-8


And I can't do anything except kill pine. Ctrl-C quits gpg but pine gets 
hung for some reason and all I can do is kill it.

Its obvious that somehow gpg invoking pinentry-curses is what's causing 
the problem. pinentry-curses and pine do not play well together and so the 
screen gets messed up and pine hangs. What can I do to work around this? 
Any suggestions/ ideas?

For now the only workaround I've come up with is to install 
security/gnupg1. That does not require pinentry and so it works well with 



| Rakhesh Sasidharan				rakhesh -at- rakhesh.com |
| FreeBSD hobbyist				     http://rakhesh.com/ |
| DE91 04D6 82E5 6CF2 797A  1C05 4EC0 E1A0 F166 095A	    id: F166095A |

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