ports tree out've sync

gareth bsd at lordcow.org
Tue Aug 14 10:58:12 PDT 2007

hey guys, i can't see a similar question recently so i wonder if
i've done something wrong? i've noticed for about 2 weeks that
things seem to be out've sync:

if i do a cvsup with either host=cvsup.FreeBSD.org or cvsup2.FreeBSD.org
and then a portsdb (even after removing /usr/ports/INDEX-6*)

'portversion -l ">"' returns 32 packages?

('portversion -l "<"' returns nothing)

similarly for portaudit:

# portaudit -F
auditfile.tbz                                 100% of   43 kB 1016 kBps
portaudit: Database too old.
Old database restored.
portaudit: Download failed.

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