Mailman virtual-mailman.db

Jeffrey Goldberg jeffrey at
Tue Apr 17 15:51:45 UTC 2007

On Apr 17, 2007, at 7:29 AM, Vizion wrote:

> I am missing something in facilitating the creation of virtual- 
> mailman.db.
> I get the failure line in maillog
> fatal: open database /usr/local/mailman/data/virtual-mailman.db
> I have gonne through the docs but am obviously missing something.
> Could anyone please let me know:
> 1. How virtual-mailman.db is created

The answer below assumes that you are also using postfix

It is created from


(assuming you haven't modified the install location and installed  
from ports), which mailman should also create for you.

Mailman actually calls the postfix utility, postmap, to generate  
the .db file.

To create these files the first time, run


which should create these files.

> 2. Ideally some examples from relevant config files would be ideal.
> I do seem to ne struggling with mailman!!!

Mailman takes a fair amount of post installation configuration,  
requiring fairly solid understanding of mail transport, apache and,  
it seems, mailman itself.  So it is easy to overlook things in the  
documentation, but this is in




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