INDEX build failed for 4.x

Erwin Lansing erwin at
Thu Sep 21 03:07:32 PDT 2006

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX - please wait..ntop-3.2_3: "/local0/tmp/erwin/tindex/ports/x11-fonts/urwfonfs" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete
===> net/ntop failed
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1

Stop in /local0/tmp/erwin/tindex/ports.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /local0/tmp/erwin/tindex/ports.
1 error

Committers on the hook:
ale alexbl des erwin johans krion leeym lth mich rafan sat sergei stas tobez vd 

Most recent CVS update was:
U archivers/pecl-zip/Makefile
U archivers/pecl-zip/distinfo
U audio/Makefile
U audio/py-libtunepimp/Makefile
U audio/py-libtunepimp/distinfo
U chinese/CJK/pkg-plist
U devel/p5-File-Temp/Makefile
U devel/p5-RRDTool-OO/Makefile
U devel/p5-RRDTool-OO/distinfo
U devel/pychecker/Makefile
U devel/tpg/Makefile
U dns/libidn/Makefile
U dns/libidn/distinfo
U dns/libidn/pkg-plist
U emulators/e-uae/Makefile
U games/freeciv/Makefile
U irc/pisg/Makefile
U irc/pisg/distinfo
U multimedia/avidemux2/Makefile
U multimedia/ffmpeg/Makefile
U multimedia/ffmpeg-devel/Makefile
U multimedia/libmpeg2/Makefile
U multimedia/libtheora/Makefile
U multimedia/transcode/Makefile
U net/ntop/Makefile
U net/p5-IO-Interface/Makefile
U net/p5-IO-Interface/distinfo
U net/p5-IO-Interface/pkg-plist
U security/cvm/Makefile
U security/cvm/distinfo
U sysutils/titlefix/Makefile
U sysutils/titlefix/distinfo
U textproc/glark/Makefile
U textproc/glark/distinfo
U textproc/txt2tags/Makefile
U www/p5-POE-Component-Server-SOAP/Makefile
U www/p5-POE-Component-Server-SOAP/distinfo
U www/p5-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP/Makefile
U www/p5-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP/distinfo
U www/varnish/Makefile
U www/varnish/distinfo
U x11/electricsheep/Makefile

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