portmaster's root and leaf ports

Darren Pilgrim darren.pilgrim at bitfreak.org
Sun Sep 10 13:52:35 PDT 2006

Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-Sep-10 19:55:36 +0200, Hans Lambermont wrote:
>> What's going on here ? Aren't these all dependencies that should have
>> been tracked ? (shouldn't they be in the Trunk or Branch sections ?)
> A port can have six different dependency types (extract, patch, fetch,
> build, run, lib).  Of these, lib is a subset of run and only run
> dependencies are listed in the package information.
> Most of the root and leaf ports you list fairly clearly fall into one
> of the non-run dependencies: eg nasm is only needed to compile some
> assembler in one of the other ports, bison is only needed to compile
> some grammar files.  The ones I don't recognize as falling into this
> category are libassuan, gnupg-devel, libdts and teTeX-base.  Someone
> else may be able to expain these.

libassuan -B-> gnupg-devel -B-> gpgme -R-> kdepim3 -R-> kde3
teTeX-base -B-> kdegraphics3 -R-> kde3

-B-> = left-hand side "is a build dependency of" right-hand side
-R-> = left-hand side "is a run dependency of" right-hand side

Darren Pilgrim

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