dirrmtry: shared directories and can, should or must use

Boris Samorodov bsam at ipt.ru
Mon Mar 6 06:39:25 PST 2006


At The Porters Handbook 7.2.1 Cleaning up empty directories we read

"However, sometimes @dirrm will give you errors because other ports
share the same directory. You can use @dirrmtry to remove only empty
directories without warning."

I don't quite understand the term "can" here. Is it supposed may,
should or must use @dirrmtry?

And what about non-empty but shared directories? May, should or must
we use @dirrmtry?

Is this command supposed to work only when building packages
(i.e. at pointyhat) or is it intended to be useful at other
servers/workstations (i.e. not to disturb administrators when
upgrading their systems)?

Thank you.
Boris B. Samorodov, Research Engineer
InPharmTech Co,     http://www.ipt.ru
Telephone & Internet Service Provider

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