Portupgrade confused about editors/emacs

Mike Jakubik mikej at rogers.com
Fri Jan 6 08:15:55 PST 2006

Ceri Davies wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 07:34:47AM -0500, Mike Jakubik wrote:
>> Its not harsh, its reality. If you are going to contribute, don't 
>> contribute broken code. If its broken, fix it. If you cant fix it, back 
>> it out until its ready. I have been using freebsd since 2.x and i can 
>> tell you that the quality of freebsd is slowly declining, more and more 
>> broken code is being committed, and its not being address properly. A 
>> perfect example of this is the recent RCng commits to 6-STABLE. The 
>> ports are clearly not ready for this, yet its been committed and left. 
>> Now many ports refuse to work. This clearly breaks POLA.
> While this may be true, it doesn't preclude the fact that you're acting
> like a spoilt brat on this list over the last few days at least.  You
> might wish to consider being more polite.

You're right, apologies to everyone for that. It's just that i have been 
using FreeBSD for a long time, and i don't want to switch to Linux, I'm 
just very disappointed with the way things are lately. There is a 
plethora of problems which are not being addressed, while new code and 
features are being committed. A lot of performance issues have been 
reported lately, briefly discussed, but nothing has been resolved. 
FreeBSD needs to step back and work on current problems, once these are 
addressed we can go forward and develop new features. If i only had the 
programming knowledge, i would be happy to help. So all i can do is 
point the finger and test.

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