(x11-wm\enlightenment-devel) e17, pam, and "Lock Screen"...

Eric Schuele e.schuele at computer.org
Sun Dec 3 07:43:08 PST 2006


I recently installed e17.  I am having difficulty getting the "Lock 
Screen" feature to accept a password.  Presently it accepts any input 
(even blank) as valid.

It my understanding that the problem is that it is not using PAM at this 
point (on my machine).  How can I get it to use PAM?  Some folks hint it 
is a build issue.  Others say the PAM config files are not setup. but 
none offer a concise method to fix it.  Is there some knob I can turn 
when building the app?  Or some config file somewhere I can tweak?



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