portmaster, bison, java/jdk15

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at cox.net
Wed Aug 2 04:19:41 UTC 2006

On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 22:50:30 -0500, Jiawei Ye <leafy7382 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am running into 2 problems.
> 1. Some ports want devel/bison as dependancy, I installed devel/bison2
> and it works too. But when the bison1 depending port gets upgraded by
> portmaster, portmaster will insist on bringing in devel/bison, instead
> of devel/bison2. Not sure what the correct solution is.
> 2. I just made a java/jdk15 yesterday, and the port gets updated
> today, resulting in portmaster wanting to upgrade the port, but
> portmaster will also try to install linux-sun-jdk15 as a dependancy on
> JDK15. The normal situation is that when there is a native JDK/Diablo
> present in the system, JDK15 port shouldn't depend on linux-sun-jdk
> for bootstrapping. I am not sure if this is a problem with the jdk15
> port itself or not. doing "make clean" in java/jdk15 does list
> linux-sun-jdk as a dependancy, but simple 'make install' will not pull
> it in, is this contradictory?

It is a known issue, I have reported to Doug a while back. I have a  
workaround for it by hack in portmaster, but it is not a right solution.  
Someone will have to figure a good solution. However, here's what I hacked  
in portmaster.

while getopts 'CDFGabdfghilm:nop:r:suv' COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENT ; do
	F)	ONLY_ME=yes; ARGS="-F $ARGS" ;;
cd $pd/$portdir

if [ -n "$ONLY_ME" ]; then
	make depends

I just run -F on specific port that needs it.

As for solution, right now I am thinking about check on each port's  
conflict. Like for example:

	- Check on if devel/bison has any of CONFLICT.
	- CONFLICTS is devel/bison2, then check if
	  devel/bison2 exists.
	- devel/bison2 does exist, then remove the
	  devel/bison out of dependency check list.
	- Check if devel/bison2 needs to update.
	- [...goes on as normal...]

I don't know if it's good idea. Looks like create a database is a better  


> Jiawei Ye

mezz7 at cox.net  -  mezz at FreeBSD.org
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