java/diablo-jdk15 vs. java/jdk15

Heino Tiedemann rotkaps_spam_trap at
Wed Apr 19 16:50:22 UTC 2006

Hi there,

can yozu tell me, what ist the difference between java/diablo-jdk15
and java/jdk15?

,----[ java/diablo-jdk15/pgk-descr ]
| The Java Development Kit (JDK) provides the Java Virtual Machine,
| base classes, and development tools to permit developers to create
| new Java applications, applets, and components on FreeBSD.
| WWW:

,----[ java/jdk15/pgk-descr ]
| This is the latest JDK 1.5.0 patchset from the Java 2 FreeBSD porting
| project.  This port allows you to easily build a native JDK1.5.0 for FreeBSD.
| Please note that due to the current Sun licensing policy the resulting binaries
| can't be distributed and you are only permitted to use/hack it personally.
| Due to the same reasons you have to manually fetch the source code and patchset
| for FreeBSD.
| WWW:

Okay, imagine that I have manually fetched the source code files.

What ist the fiference between:

1) cd /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk15 && make install
2) cd /usr/ports/java/jdk15 && make install


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