[SUGGEST] Reform eclipse and eclipse related ports

Scot Hetzel swhetzel at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 15:05:21 PDT 2005

On 10/17/05, Roman Neuhauser <neuhauser at sigpipe.cz> wrote:
>    Wes said: "I have to resort to 'make search'" which presumably means
>    he'd prefer to just ls /usr/ports/$emacs_category; while 'make
>    search' is a bearable interface (FMPOV), you can't beat a ls.
>    Hey, what about materialized virtual categories? A bunch of
>    symlinks, and everyone's happy. Or is that too much for CVS?
It would probably be too much for CVS to handle, instead someone could
modify bsd.port.mk to create the virtual category directories and then
symbolicly link the ports into these categories.

The following could be added to bsd.port.mk

.if not exist ${PORTSDIR}/${CATEGORY}
    mkdir ${PORTSDIR}/${CATEGORY}
.if not exist ${PORTSDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PORTNAME}

which would add the link for a specific port.  The we would need to
add a virtualports target (bsd.subdir.mk?) that would decend thru all
the ports creating all the symbolic links (similar to the "make
readmes" target used in /usr/ports/ ).

Also there would need to be another target that would remove all the
symbolic links, that way you could re-create them without worrying
about removed symbolic links pointing to non-existant ports.

NOTE: Non of this code has been tested. If you want this feature, work
on improving the code and submitting it as a patch to the PR database
for Ports Managers to accept/reject.

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